Here at Click2Mail, we have always prided ourselves on “making mail easy” and doing it in a way that merges a “traditional” tool like postal mail with technology like the internet. So it should come as no surprise that we’re in the cloud.

The fact is, cloud-based technologies can be important productivity boosters. And we know how important productivity is – to small businesses and huge corporations alike. According to one Google study, 69% of young businesses credited their revenue growth, in part, to the use of cloud productivity technology (we’ll come back to this later).

How Click2Mail helps you be more productive

It’s nice up here in the cloud with the Click2Mail Google add-on, Mail My Doc – We stay on top of technological advances in order to provide an easier mailing experience for our customers. That is why we are so excited about our Google add-on that launched in May. The add-on enables our customers and Google Docs™ users to mail documents to any address in the world, without ever leaving Google Docs™ or setting foot inside a post office. The add-on offers more web-based capabilities to Google Drive™ users, accessible anywhere, anytime, on virtually any device.

No more trips to the post office – DIY mailing is incredibly time consuming. Not only do you have to create the mailers, you also have to print them, address and stuff the envelopes, stamp them, and then taken them to the post office. Our mission at Click2Mail is to make the mailing process easier so our customers can be more productive. We do this by offering all of our customers online mailing services, eliminating the need for all of those DIY mail tasks. With the click of a button your mail is printed at one of our locations, printed, sorted, addressed, postage is applied, and mailed to any address in the world.

How much is YOUR hour worth? 

Back to the Google study we mentioned earlier: “In addition to telling researchers that cloud productivity technology helps save time and money, respondents detailed the value of this time to their business, and how they use extra time to position their businesses for success.” 23% of the respondents said that an extra hour was worth at least $100 and 51% said it was worth at least $200 or more. Of the respondents, 39% said they would use the extra hour to engage with potential customers, 30% would use it for marketing activities (PR, social media, advertising), and the rest would spend the extra hour on product development/innovation, engaging with existing customers, and HR activities.

How much is YOUR hour worth? 

From cloud services like the Click2Mail Mail My Doc Google add-on to our everyday online mailing services, Click2Mail enables you to be more productive so that you can focus on business development. For more information on the new Click2Mail Google Docs™ add-on, visit our Knowledge Base: Google Add-On page. Take back your hour. Get started at or call us Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm EST at 1-866-665-2787.


Google, “Cloud Productivity is Key to Success: A Survey of Young Businesses.”