The Interviewee
Gary Holman, Sr. Manager of Operations
McMurdo Group
Click2Mail customer since January 2015

The Challenge
McMurdo Group uses a proprietary software for customer management and invoicing that utilizes SATCOM invoicing. However, a significant number of customers, including some with international addresses, preferred to receive their invoices in the mail.

“We had to print out invoices for these customers,” Gary says. “That meant folding, stuffing and addressing the envelopes – ugh!”

The First Solution
Gary discovered Click2Mail’s Email-to-Mail™ service. “Actually, it was my boss who found Click2Mail and recommended I check it out,” he laughs. His first move was to investigate ways to integrate this service with McMurdo Group’s software.

McMurdo Group’s software provider worked with Click2Mail to developed an email template that integrated with Email-to-Mail in the billing software they already had in place. Once the template was set up, it was a simple to way to use email to “mail” real invoices using the Email-to-Mail function.

This solution worked well for McMurdo Group, Gary says, with two caveats: “There were occasional problems with international addresses, and the invoices didn’t need to be printed in color.” (At the time Email-to-Mail didn’t support a black-and-white printing option.)

An Even Better Solution
When Click2Mail introduced our beta product, MailJackPlus, (coming soon) we immediately let Gary know about it and asked if he’d like to be a beta customer. He’s impressed that “they reached out to see if this option might work better for me. It does.”

Gary created a MailJackPlus template that he loads once a month, “so setup is simple and mailing is easy.” Click2Mail also provided him with online training in MailJackPlus to make sure the process would run smoothly.

The Results
Now, mailing monthly invoices is as simple as uploading one PDF file. Gary says, “It automatically parses my file into individual letters which are then printed and mailed – even the international addresses.”

This Click2Mail customer is very pleased with the product and service we provided. “The follow-up and support have been exceptional,” Gary says. “MailJackPlus has even saved our company money!”

Would you like to be a beta customer for MailJackPlus? If so, please contact us at