Segmenting your mailing list can be a great way to personalize your communications, make the right offer to the right group at the right time. Targeting your audience more effectively with a personalized message is always more effective and lets your customer know you understand them and their needs.

Defining your best customer

Before you segment your list, it is always helpful to first identify and define your best customers and look for commonly shared factors that make them your best customer.

An easy place to start is to look a purchase history, frequency of visits, and engagement with our brand. Does your best customer respond to coupons? You can also look at customer feedback and reviews to determine who your most loyal customers are. You value all of your customers and strive to provide the best service and experience possible.

With these factors in mind, here are some easy ways to segment your mailing list:

  1. By demographic: Create segments based on age, gender, location, and more.
  2. By interests: Create segments based on the interests of your subscribers.
  3. By purchase history: Create segments based on what customers have purchased in the past.
  4. By engagement level: Create segments based on how subscribers interact with your direct mail offers.
  5. By content preferences: Create segments based on what type of content your subscribers like to receive.

Hopefully, these ideas will help you get started looking at your current list and then segmenting them into mailing lists or segments so that you can target your audience more effectively. Good luck!

Do you need help renting a mailing list? If you do, please contact Click2Mail Customer Support by email or call 866-665-6787. Our live support team is available Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern.