The dog days of summer are upon us! This month may seem especially long to your customers without any national holidays to break up the heat. But, August is a great time to squeeze in as much summer fun as possible before the kids head back to school. So, we’ve come up with some ideas for you to make your own fun.

End of summer – As summer winds to a close, consider an August “It’s still summer here!” event. Or a “summer may be over, but the fun doesn’t have to be” mailer.

Back to school – Kids around the country will be starting back to school in August and September. That means time for back-to-school sales. Whether you sell school supplies, clothes, computers, or bedding for the freshman’s dorm room, take the opportunity to get in on the back-to-school craze.

Seniors Citizens Day- August 21:  When it comes to content marketing, Senior Citizens Day is a golden opportunity. Thanks to the baby boomers, seniors are the fastest growing population segment in the United States. They are also a powerful consumer segment that is worth a dedicated marketing investment. How about a letter thanking them for your business?

National Mustard Day- August 5:  The first Saturday in August is National Mustard Day. Send out a yellow postcard with a special offer to your “seasoned customers” in honor of that condiment of choice.

National Book Lover’s Day- August 9:  For any company that sells books, this holiday is a natural opportunity to send a flyer/self-mailer listing all the great books that will be coming soon. Other companies can send a flyer with some of the best book titles about their industry; for example, a realtor might send a self-mailer listing a few different cookbooks for interested customers to learn more or maybe recommendation to local books and libraries in their new neighborhood.

National Dog Day- August 26:  Remind the pet lovers in your life to take care of their four-legged family. This is a perfect day for a Veterinarian’s office to send postcard reminders for a pet check-up. For a pet store, offer a coupon for owners who bring their pet into the store on this day.

Even if yours isn’t a retail business, you can send mail to celebrate your hard-working customers and prospects. Maybe it’s a coupon, or a booklet with some ideas to make work easier (or better).

Don’t forget that with Click2Mail, you can schedule your mailings out for 120 days in advance. This makes August a great time to think about your holiday marketing plans. Save yourself some time by planning and scheduling your mailings for November and December holidays now. When the time comes, Click2Mail will take care of the rest.

Whenever you mail, whatever the occasion, Click2Mail is here to make it quick and easy. Visit today to get started.