Easy Ways to Segment Your Mailing List

Segmenting your mailing list can be a great way to personalize your communications, make the right offer to the right group at the right time. Targeting your audience more effectively with a personalized message is always more effective and lets your customer know you understand them and their needs.

Defining your best customer

Before you segment your list, it is always helpful to first identify and define your best customers and look for commonly shared factors that make them your best customer.

An easy place to start is to look a purchase history, frequency of visits, and engagement with our brand. Does your best customer respond to coupons? You can also look at customer feedback and reviews to determine who your most loyal customers are. You value all of your customers and strive to provide the best service and experience possible.

With these factors in mind, here are some easy ways to segment your mailing list:

  1. By demographic: Create segments based on age, gender, location, and more.
  2. By interests: Create segments based on the interests of your subscribers.
  3. By purchase history: Create segments based on what customers have purchased in the past.
  4. By engagement level: Create segments based on how subscribers interact with your direct mail offers.
  5. By content preferences: Create segments based on what type of content your subscribers like to receive.

Hopefully, these ideas will help you get started looking at your current list and then segmenting them into mailing lists or segments so that you can target your audience more effectively. Good luck!

Do you need help renting a mailing list? If you do, please contact Click2Mail Customer Support by email or call 866-665-6787. Our live support team is available Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern.

2024-04-16T14:21:13-04:0002/28/2023|Click2Mail Team, Direct Mail Marketing, Mailing Lists and Why They Matter|

10 Reasons to Send Your Customer a Greeting Card Today

Mail is another way to connect with your customers. It is a unique way to “touch” your best customer outside a computer, and reach them in their home without being intrusive. The leave-behind value of a physical card can’t be beat! Mail is often shared with others that have like interest and could become your new customer!

Here are ten great reasons to create and send a card today:

  1. Sending a greeting card is a great way to show your customers they are valued and appreciated.
  2. It’s a great way to stay connected and build relationships with customers.
  3. It can be used to celebrate a customer’s special occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays.
  4. Sending a card can be a great way to thank customers for their business.
  5. It can be used to announce new products or services to customers.
  6. A card allows you to share your brand’s unique story or message.
  7. Sending cards can encourage customers to refer their friends or family to your business.
  8. It can show customers that you care about their feedback and suggestions.
  9. A card can be a great way to offer special discounts or promotions to customers.
  10. Sending a customer a card can be a thoughtful gesture during difficult times.

Need more information? Of if you have questions on how to get started to automate your greeting cards with Click2Mail, contact us at [email protected] or call 866.665.2787.


How to Track and Control the Delivery of Direct Mail Campaigns

When running a direct mail campaign, dropping mail off and hoping for the best is not a great strategy. A direct mail campaign’s success is intimately tied to how well businesses can track and monitor delivery – not doing this can lead to missed opportunities and wasted resources.

This article aims to explore the importance of efficient tracking and monitoring mechanisms in the management of direct mail campaigns, highlighting how such practices can revolutionize business outreach efforts.

3 Common Myths About Mail Tracking

Despite its clear advantages, misconceptions about mail tracking persist, particularly among smaller businesses. Three common misunderstandings in particular often lead to inefficient practices:

  • Myth #1: Tracking is only for large-scale or priority mail. This is a common belief that hinders small businesses from exploring cost-effective tracking options, but it’s simply not true.
  • Myth #2: Tracking requires complex systems. The perceived complexity of integrating tracking systems discourages many from adopting them.
  • Myth #3: Tracking costs too much money. There’s a misconception that tracking is inherently expensive, leading to unnecessarily high mailing costs.

The Challenges of Direct Mail Management Without Proper Tracking

Direct mail, a cornerstone in traditional marketing, presents unique challenges in tracking and management. Without efficient systems in place, businesses can face several hurdles:

  • Difficulty in verifying delivery: Verifying the delivery of direct mail pieces is a complex task, often leaving smaller businesses in the dark.
  • Inaccurate targeting and timing: The inability to track mail can lead to poorly timed marketing efforts, reducing the effectiveness of campaigns.
  • Increased costs: Smaller companies often resort to more expensive mailing options under the misconception that these are the only ways to track deliveries.

“The Postal Service has made it really, really hard for a small business to understand tracking,” says Lee Garvey, founder and CEO of direct mail company, Click2Mail. “So any company that is large enough is probably using a third-party provider, and small companies are out in the dark – they just don’t know. They send a priority mail and they think that’s the only kind of mail that gets tracking. And consequently, they’re paying $10 for a mail piece that they could send for 65 cents with us.”

The Benefits of Accurate Tracking in Direct Mail

Implementing accurate tracking in direct mail campaigns offers several advantages that can significantly boost a company’s marketing efforts.

Enhanced Planning and Anticipation

Tracking allows businesses to anticipate customer responses more effectively. “It gives you extra planning abilities,” says Carly Brown, Click2Mail’s Customer Support Manager. “Once it gets to the recipient post office, it gets delivered the next day or so. That’s when I’m going to get the phone calls.”

Integrating with Multi-Channel Marketing

Accurate tracking aids in synchronizing direct mail with other marketing channels. As Garvey says, “you want them to get a phone call at the same time the mail arrives in the mailbox, and emails should arrive as the mail piece gets in the mailbox.” This synchronization ensures a cohesive and impactful marketing strategy.


With precise tracking, businesses can avoid unnecessary costs associated with less efficient mailing methods. This not only improves budget efficiency but also enhances the overall reach of the campaign.

How Modern Solutions Simplify Direct Mail Tracking

Modern technological solutions have emerged to address the challenges of direct mail tracking, offering businesses tools to efficiently manage their campaigns:

  • Ease of Integration with Existing Systems: Today’s solutions enable easy integration with existing CRM systems, streamlining the workflow and making tracking a seamless part of the process.
  • Automated Tracking and Updates: These tools automate the tracking process, providing real-time updates on the delivery status of each mail piece. This automation reduces the manual workload and increases accuracy.
  • Accessible to Businesses of All Sizes: Advanced tracking solutions are no longer exclusive to large operations. They are now accessible to smaller businesses, leveling the playing field and opening new possibilities for targeted marketing strategies.
  • Enhancing Data-Driven Decisions: With accurate tracking data, businesses can make more informed decisions regarding their marketing strategies, tailoring their efforts based on reliable delivery information.

The evolution of direct mail tracking technologies marks a significant step forward in marketing. By embracing these solutions, businesses can not only enhance the efficiency of their direct mail campaigns but also integrate them more effectively into their broader marketing strategies.

The Role of Technology in Modern Mail Tracking

The advent of advanced technology has made tracking more accessible and user-friendly, allowing businesses of all sizes to take advantage of its benefits.

Integration with CRM Systems

Modern mail tracking solutions offer seamless integration with CRM systems, simplifying the process of managing customer data and mail campaigns. This integration ensures that customer information is up-to-date and that mailings are targeted accurately.

Read more: Salesforce Direct Mail Integration: A How-To Guide

Near Real-Time Tracking Updates

The use of technology in mail tracking provides near real-time updates on the status of mail deliveries. This immediate feedback allows businesses to adjust their strategies promptly and respond to customer interactions more effectively.

Accessible to All Business Sizes

Advanced tracking technology is no longer a luxury reserved for large companies. It is now readily available to businesses of any size, democratizing the ability to track and control direct mail campaigns effectively.

Here’s How to Start Tracking Your Mail Better Through Modernization

To revolutionize your direct mail campaigns, embracing modern technology is key. A revolutionary new platform – Click2Mail’s CRM Hub – seamlessly integrates with your CRM software, automates your business mail, and provides efficient tracking and monitoring.

This tool – which bridges connections with your CRM, adds integrations according to your needs, and ultimately frees up your time – is a game-changer for businesses looking to optimize their direct mail efforts.

  • Taking the First Step: The first step is to connect your existing CRM system with the app. This integration is a straightforward process, ensuring that your digital communication efforts are perfectly aligned with your physical mail campaigns.
  • Enjoy the Benefits of Integration: Once integrated, the app automates your mail sending workflows, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of streamlined operations. You only pay for what you mail, with no hidden monthly fees. This integration not only optimizes your marketing efforts but also enhances customer satisfaction by ensuring timely and accurate mail deliveries.
  • Embrace Efficient Mail Management: By adopting this app, you can modernize your mailroom, making your mail campaigns faster, easier, and more efficient. The app’s compatibility with leading CRM platforms like Citrix Podio, Follow-Up Boss, and Salesforce simplifies the process, making it an ideal solution for businesses seeking to improve their direct mail strategies.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you modernize your mailroom and take your direct mail campaigns to the next level.

2024-03-29T09:47:44-04:0001/18/2024|CRM Hub|

How to Slash Time Spent on Direct Mail Campaigns

“Time is money” is a saying that has been worn into the ground – because it’s 100% true. For anyone running a business, you’re hyper-concerned with how both you and your employees are spending your time. Any time spent doing one task is time that can’t be spent handling other priorities.

There is time-wasting going on in marketing departments working on direct mail campaigns, and it does not have to be that way. Without the right tools and integration, these campaigns can become time-consuming, often involving manual labor that could be better utilized elsewhere.

This article aims to explore the significant time-saving benefits of integrating automated solutions into direct mail campaigns, especially focusing on the challenges and inefficiencies of manual processes.

Read more: Salesforce Direct Mail Integration: A How-To Guide

Why Manual Direct Mail Management Doesn’t Work

Managing direct mail campaigns manually poses several challenges that can significantly drain a company’s time and resources:

  • Extensive Time Requirement: Manual handling of direct mail requires significant time investment, often becoming a full-time job in itself.
  • Inefficiency in Campaign Execution: The absence of automated processes results in inefficient execution of direct mail campaigns.
  • Increased Probability of Errors: Manual management increases the likelihood of errors in data handling and mail distribution.

Carly Brown, Customer Support Manager at direct mail company, Click2Mail, says modern businesses cannot afford to operate this way.

“I don’t know how somebody would manually do something like that anymore,” she says. “It might be more than one full-time job.”

The Impact of Manual Processes on Different Business Departments

The unfortunate truth is that this time spent has a real cost in terms of the effectiveness of your staff. “Your sales staff is probably sending out invoices, and your HR people are sending out all kinds of things out to employees,” Brown notes.

The manual management of direct mail campaigns affects various business departments, leading to inefficiencies and distractions from core responsibilities.

Sales Staff

Sales teams, whose primary focus should be on generating revenue, are often sidetracked by the demands of direct mail tasks.

For instance, consider a sales team at a mid-size retail company that spends an average of three hours a week preparing and sending promotional mail. This time could have been spent on making customer calls or strategizing new sales approaches, directly affecting the team’s ability to meet their sales targets.

HR and Finance Departments

These departments bear the brunt of manual postal direct mail tasks, such as sending out invoices and employee communications, detracting from their core functions.

Imagine an HR department in a growing tech firm that manually sends out hundreds of employee benefits updates and policy changes each month. This labor-intensive process consumes time that could be better used in employee engagement strategies or recruitment efforts, critical for the firm’s growth and employee satisfaction.

Marketing Teams

Marketing professionals, tasked with creative and strategic responsibilities, are bogged down by the mechanical aspects of direct mail.

Take, for example, a marketing team in a healthcare company that manually segments and sends out different mail campaigns to various demographics. This process, often taking up a significant portion of their workweek, limits their time for creative brainstorming and digital marketing strategies, which are essential in today’s competitive marketplace.

Automation and Integration: The Key to Efficient Direct Mail Campaigns

Adopting automation and integrating it with existing systems like CRMs can drastically reduce the time and effort spent on direct mail campaigns:

  • Streamlined Operations: Automation and integration streamline the entire process of direct mail, from data handling to distribution. As Click2Mail CEO and Founder Lee Garvey explains, “If you’ve got automation integration, you figure it out once, and the rest of it is just figuring out what’s going to get mailed and when.”
  • Focused Employee Effort: With reduced manual tasks, employees can focus on their core responsibilities, enhancing productivity.
  • Consistent and Error-Free Campaigns: Automation minimizes human errors, ensuring consistency and reliability in direct mail efforts.
  • Enhanced Security and Compliance: With digital methods, businesses can adhere to policies like HIPAA’s clean desk policy, as Brown points out: “Doing it all digitally means they’re not having employees printing stuff out, leaving it on the printer.”

Boost Efficiency with a New Way of Managing Direct Mail Campaigns

The transition to digital solutions in direct mail campaigns is not just a trend but a necessary evolution. The inefficiencies of manual processes and the diverse impact on different business units underscore the need for more streamlined, automated systems.

Businesses that adopt these digital methodologies are likely to see significant improvements in productivity, cost savings, and employee satisfaction.

Modernizing Your Direct Mail Strategy

In today’s digital era, streamlining your direct mail campaigns is crucial for business efficiency and employee productivity. Click2Mail’s new CRM hub offers an elegant solution, enabling businesses to automate their mail campaigns seamlessly.

Key features of Click2Mail’s CRM Hub include:

  • Easy CRM Integration: Connect your CRM software with Click2Mail for a fluid data flow between your digital communications and physical mail.
  • Automated Mail Campaigns: Set up your mail campaigns with ease, allowing for a “set it and forget it” approach, as Carly Brown suggests.
  • Cost-Effective and Efficient: With no monthly fees and a pay-per-use model, Click2Mail’s CRM Hub is both affordable and efficient.

Transform your mailroom today:

  1. Bridge Connections: Easily connect your CRM and Click2Mail accounts for a streamlined experience.
  2. Automate and Integrate: Automate your mail workflow with simple integration steps.
  3. Enjoy Productivity Gains: Free up valuable time for your team to focus on core business tasks.

To start revolutionizing your direct mail process, sign up for Click2Mail’s CRM Hub today. Enjoy the benefits of a digital approach to direct mail and watch your business thrive with improved efficiency and reduced operational costs. Transform your direct mail strategy now and step into a more productive, digitally-enhanced future.

2024-03-28T17:27:52-04:0001/18/2024|CRM Hub|

Common Data Problems in Direct Mail and How to Deal With Them

In direct mail marketing, the success of a direct mail campaign hinges on the precision of its data. Misdirected mail due to data inaccuracies not only wastes resources but also results in missed opportunities for customer engagement.

This article delves into common data problems in direct mail and offers insights on effectively addressing them, ensuring that your marketing messages reach their intended audience.

Identifying Common Data Inaccuracies in Direct Mail

Data inaccuracies in direct mail can stem from a variety of sources, impacting the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Common issues include:

  • Incorrect Addresses: This can be due to people moving and not leaving a change of address, leading to undelivered mail.
  • Missing Secondaries: Often, address details like apartment or suite numbers are omitted, causing delivery issues.
  • Name Changes and Variations: Changes due to marriage, divorce, or other life events can result in outdated recipient information.

The Role of CASS Software Certification and NCOA Databases

To mitigate common data inaccuracies in direct mail, businesses can leverage tools like CASS certified software certification and NCOA databases. These resources play a crucial role in ensuring data accuracy.

CASS Software Certification

CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System) certified software certification is used in a process that verifies the accuracy of address data against a master database of all US addresses maintained by the USPS. It checks for:

  • Valid Delivery Addresses: Ensuring that the address exists and is deliverable.
  • Correctness of Address Elements: Identifying and correcting misspellings and incorrect address parts.
  • Zip Code Accuracy: Adjusting incorrect Zip codes to match the actual address.

National Change of Address (NCOA) Database

The NCOA database is instrumental in keeping track of address changes , especially for individuals and families who have moved and submitted a change of address form to the USPS. It helps in:

  • Updating Moved Addresses: Automatically updating addresses for individuals who have moved to a new location.
  • Identifying Undeliverable Addresses: Highlighting addresses where recipients no longer reside.
  • Maintaining Current Address Data: Ensuring that the direct mail reaches the intended recipient at their current address.

Carly Brown, customer support manager at direct mail company Click2Mail, notes that they run every order they receive against NCOA to ensure that recipients are still living at the addresses they have listed. It’s a very helpful database for direct mail campaigns to ensure money isn’t wasted sending mail to bad addresses.

Addressing Life Event Changes in Customer Data

Life events such as marriages, relocations, and name changes significantly impact the accuracy of direct mail data. Addressing these changes requires proactive data management strategies.

  • Regular Data Updates: Regularly updating CRM databases to reflect changes in customer information due to life events.
  • CRM Integration for Data Management: Utilizing CRM systems to manage and automatically update these changes in customer data.
  • Understanding Customer Demographics: Recognizing the patterns and trends in life events among different customer demographics to anticipate and manage data changes.

Life events have a way of significantly disrupting the accuracy of this data. “People get married, people get divorced, people change their names for one reason or another, and then they die,” Brown says.

Challenges with New Constructions and Property Designations

Navigating address challenges in new constructions and property designations is a critical aspect of direct mail accuracy. Often, discrepancies arise between addresses assigned by developers or property managers and those recognized by the postal services:

  • Developer-Assigned Addresses vs. Postal Addresses: Developers may assign addresses that don’t align with postal records, causing confusion in mail delivery.
  • Recognition of Proper Unit Designations: Discrepancies in suite or unit numbers between property managers and the postal services can lead to undelivered mail.
  • Ensuring Consistency in Address Records: Businesses must ensure that the addresses used in their direct mail campaigns match those recognized by the postal services.

Integrating CRM with Direct Mail for Data Accuracy

Integrating CRM systems with direct mail campaigns is an effective strategy to overcome common data problems. This integration ensures the accuracy and relevance of the mailing list, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of direct mail campaigns.

Read more: Salesforce Direct Mail Integration: A How-To Guide

Real-time Data Update

CRM integration enables businesses to update their mailing lists in real-time, reflecting any changes in customer data.

Automated Data Correction

Advanced CRM systems can automatically correct common errors in addresses, enhancing the deliverability of direct mail.

Life Event Tracking

CRMs can track significant life events of customers, such as relocations or name changes, and update mailing lists accordingly. And a CRM hub that integrates the CRM directly with a direct mail campaign can be a game changer.

“CRM hubs can correct and update addresses, managing changes due to life events like marriage or relocation,” Brown says.

How a CRM Hub Can Help Your Company Better Manage Direct Mail Campaigns

Accurate data is the backbone of successful direct mail campaigns. Common data problems, such as incorrect addresses, missing secondary information, and the lack of updated information due to life events, can significantly hamper the effectiveness of these campaigns. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach, including leveraging tools like CASS software certification and NCOA databases, and integrating CRM systems for real-time data management and automated corrections.

In today’s fast-paced business environment, efficient management of direct mail campaigns is more important than ever. Click2Mail’s CRM Hub provides an innovative solution to streamline your direct mail process, ensuring data accuracy and campaign effectiveness.

This revolutionary tool offers:

  1. Easy Integration with Your CRM: Connect your CRM with Click2Mail’s CRM Hub to ensure seamless data flow and campaign management.
  2. Automated Data Management: With Click2Mail, you can effortlessly update and manage your mailing lists, ensuring accuracy in customer addresses and information.
  3. Efficient Campaign Execution: Save time and resources by automating your direct mail campaigns, from data verification to delivery.

Furthermore, Click2Mail’s CRM Hub is compatible with leading CRM platforms like Citrix Podio, Follow-Up Boss, and Salesforce, providing a comprehensive solution for integrating your digital communication efforts with physical mail campaigns. With no monthly fees and a pay-per-mail model, it offers a cost-effective and efficient way to manage your direct mail needs.

To modernize your mailroom and elevate your direct mail campaigns, explore Click2Mail’s CRM Hub. Learn more here or contact us today so we can talk about your needs.

2024-04-01T17:23:42-04:0001/18/2024|CRM Hub|

Can You Trust Direct Mail Automation?

Direct mail is a fantastic way to cut through the noise of the digital world, and that’s why more and more businesses are turning to it as they seek a way to stand out.

Along with the increase in direct mail usage, there are also direct mail automation tools out there designed to help businesses manage it. But a pivotal question emerges: Can businesses trust automation in direct mail? 

This concern reflects the broader apprehension about replacing human oversight with automated processes. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of direct mail automation, exploring its reliability, safeguards, and the degree of control available to businesses.

The Role of CRM in Direct Mail Automation

Direct mail automation is deeply intertwined with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. These systems play a vital role in streamlining the process:

  • Setting up Triggers: CRM systems are responsible for establishing triggers that initiate the mailing process. This integration ensures that the direct mail piece is associated with specific customer actions or events.
  • Automated Sending: The CRM sends a signal to the direct mail service provider, triggering the dispatch of the mail piece.
  • Testing and Validation: Carly Brown, Customer Support Manager at direct mail company, Click2Mail, emphasizes the importance of testing these triggers in a staging environment, similar to practices followed by API integrators, to ensure accuracy and reliability.

The effectiveness of direct mail automation, therefore, heavily relies on the meticulous setup and testing of CRM triggers, ensuring that the right message reaches the right customer at the right time.

Safeguards in Automation: Preventing Errors

Ensuring error-free operation in automation is a significant concern for businesses. The following safeguards are in place to mitigate risks:

  • Cost as a Control Mechanism: Lee Garvey, founder and CEO of Click2Mail, points out that unlike emails, direct mail involves higher costs that inherently limit the likelihood of excessive, unintended mailouts. This financial aspect acts as a natural safeguard against automation errors.
  • Clear Dashboards for Monitoring: Brown notes the clarity and transparency of dashboards, which allow businesses to regularly check and manage their mail campaigns.
  • Customer Usage Reports: These reports, sent out to customers, detail all orders placed, helping them monitor and adjust their mailing strategies.

These safeguards contribute to a more controlled and reliable direct mail automation process, ensuring businesses can trust the system while maintaining oversight.

Cost Control and Financial Safeguards

Managing expenses is a critical component of any marketing strategy, more so in direct mail due to its associated costs. The following points highlight how automation in direct mail handles cost control:

  • Budget Management: Businesses have the ability to set budget caps for their direct mail campaigns, similar to digital advertising platforms.
  • Regular Expense Monitoring: Through detailed dashboards and usage reports, businesses can keep track of their spending and adjust their strategies accordingly.
  • Preventing Unintended Expenditure: The necessity of funding for each mail piece acts as a check against unexpected costs due to automation errors.

These financial controls in direct mail automation allow businesses to manage their budgets effectively while leveraging the benefits of automated mailing.

Balancing Control and Automation

In direct mail automation, achieving a balance between control and automation is essential:

  • Human Oversight vs. Automated Efficiency: While automation streamlines the direct mail process, human oversight remains crucial in setting up and monitoring campaigns.
  • Error Prevention and Correction: The ability to stop campaigns using a mobile app illustrates the balance between automated efficiency and manual control.
  • Trust and Reliability in Automation: The combination of real-time monitoring, financial controls, and human oversight builds trust in the reliability of direct mail automation.

This balance ensures that while automation provides efficiency and convenience, it does not compromise the accuracy and effectiveness of direct mail campaigns.

How to Implement Direct Mail Automation in Your Business

Direct mail automation, when implemented with proper safeguards, testing, and monitoring, proves to be a trustworthy and efficient solution for businesses. It combines the benefits of automated efficiency with the necessary control mechanisms to ensure accuracy, effectiveness, and budget management.

As businesses evolve in the digital age, embracing these automated solutions in direct mail can lead to significant improvements in marketing efficacy and operational efficiency.

For businesses looking to streamline their direct mail campaigns, Click2Mail’s CRM Hub offers an innovative solution. This tool allows for effortless integration with CRM software, enabling automated and efficient mail management. It gives you full control over your direct mail campaign while allowing automation to take care of many of the time-consuming tasks.

With features like bridge connections, easy integration, and a focus on freeing up valuable time, Click2Mail’s CRM Hub is designed to optimize marketing efforts, improve customer satisfaction, and automate everyday tasks, all without monthly fees. Embrace the future of direct mail by signing up for Click2Mail’s CRM Hub, and transform the way you connect with your customers.

2024-03-28T16:48:54-04:0001/18/2024|CRM Hub|

How to Integrate Direct Mail Campaigns With Your CRM

The integration of direct mail campaigns with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems represents a big step forward in targeted marketing strategies. For businesses, this integration is not just about embracing modern marketing techniques; it’s a crucial step towards achieving efficiency, personalization, and measurable success in their marketing efforts.

In this article, we will explore the process of integrating direct mail campaigns with various CRM systems, demystifying the steps involved and highlighting the benefits of this approach.

Understanding the CRM/Direct Mail Integration Process

The process of integrating a CRM system with direct mail campaigns is both straightforward and user-friendly. Carly Brown, Customer Support Manager at direct mail company, Click2Mail, says the integration typically involves a few simple steps, which can be easily followed using available resources.

Click2Mail uses a CRM Hub that integrates a direct mail campaign directly within the client’s CRM, and the setup process usually looks like this:

  • Accessing the CRM hub: This is the starting point where users can begin the integration process.
  • Following knowledge base articles: Illustrated and easy-to-follow instructions are available to guide users through each step.
  • Customizing triggers and settings: Users set up triggers in their CRM system to automate the sending of direct mail pieces.
  • Testing the setup: Before fully launching, it’s recommended to test the integration in a staging environment to ensure everything functions as expected.

Compatibility with Various CRM Platforms

Integrating direct mail campaigns with CRM systems is not limited to just a few platforms. As Brown mentioned, the process is versatile and can be adapted to a variety of CRM systems. This section highlights the broad compatibility and quick adaptability of the integration process:

  • Widespread Compatibility: Click2Mail’s CRM Hub integration process is designed to be compatible with a range of CRM systems, including Salesforce, Podio, Follow-Up Boss, and even Google Sheets, which acts as a CRM for simpler requirements.
  • Quick Adaptation to New CRM Platforms: The system is agile, allowing for the integration of new CRM platforms within a matter of days. This flexibility ensures that businesses using less common CRM systems can still benefit from direct mail automation.

Advanced Integration Techniques

Beyond the basic integration process, there are advanced techniques and tools that can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of integrating direct mail campaigns with CRM systems:

  • Google Sheets as a Bridge: Google Sheets can serve as a bridge between certain CRMs and the direct mail system, providing a simplified yet effective integration solution.
  • Utilization of Zapier: Zapier acts as a universal translator between different software platforms. It allows for the creation of zaps that facilitate communication between CRM systems and the direct mail process, filling any gaps in direct integration.
  • Flexibility in Integration: The integration process is not rigid. Businesses have the flexibility to choose the level and method of integration that best suits their operational needs and CRM platform capabilities.

Integrating Direct Mail Campaigns into Your CRM: A Step-by-Step Guide

So what does this integration look like on a practical level? Here, we outline the steps necessary to integrate your direct mail campaign into your CRM using Click2Mail’s CRM Hub:

1. Connecting CRM and Click2Mail Accounts

The first step is to establish a connection between your Click2Mail and CRM accounts. This foundational step is essential for integration.

2. Mail Merge Document Setup

Before creating an integration, you need to set up a mail merge document on Click2Mail’s website. This document will be used in your direct mail campaigns.

3. Navigating the Integration Page

The Integration List on Click2Mail’s website provides valuable tools for managing your integrations. It includes:

  • Information: Detailed descriptions of account names, data sources, templates, and timestamps.
  • Actions: Four actions that assist in managing integrations effectively.

4. Connecting CRM Accounts

Within Click2Mail, access the Connected Accounts tab. This section allows you to view and manage your connected CRM accounts and add new connections.

5. Supported CRM Systems

Click2Mail’s CRM Hub currently supports various platforms, including Salesforce Enterprise, Podio, Follow Up Boss, and Google Sheets, with more integrations on the horizon.

6. Utilizing CRM Hub’s URLs

Click2Mail offers a testing environment, allowing users to test and familiarize themselves with new features. This stage is crucial for ensuring the smooth functioning of your integration.

7. Creating New Integrations

After the prerequisites are met, you can proceed to create new integrations. This involves combining the capabilities of your CRM with Click2Mail’s direct mail services.

Modernize Your Mailroom Now with a CRM Hub

Integrating direct mail campaigns with your CRM system offers a streamlined, efficient, and powerful way to enhance your marketing efforts. It’s time to modernize your mailroom and leverage the full potential of automation in direct mail.

Here’s how Click2Mail’s CRM Hub can help:

  • Bridge Connections with CRM Hub: Connect your CRM and Click2Mail accounts within the CRM Hub. This simple step will set the foundation for seamless integration.
  • Add an Integration: Provide the necessary details, and let the system handle the rest. The integration automates your mail workflow, allowing for more targeted and timely direct mail campaigns.
  • Enjoy the Benefits: Experience increased marketing efficiency, improved customer satisfaction, and the ability to focus on other crucial aspects of your business. With no monthly fees, Click2Mail’s CRM Hub is a cost-effective solution to automate and optimize your direct mail campaigns.

Embrace the future of direct mail marketing by integrating your CRM system today. The benefits of streamlined automation, enhanced targeting, and increased efficiency await. Contact us today.

2024-03-28T17:21:55-04:0001/18/2024|CRM Hub|

How Integrating Direct Mail With Your CRM Enhances Customer Communication

The integration of traditional direct mail with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems presents a unique opportunity for businesses. This integration is crucial in bridging the gap between personalization and efficiency in customer communications.

This article will explore how incorporating direct mail into your CRM strategy can enhance customer engagement, streamline marketing efforts, and ultimately contribute to a more effective communication approach.

The Evolution of Direct Mail in the Digital Era

The journey of direct mail, from its traditional roots to its integration into modern digital strategies, marks a significant evolution in marketing. Once the cornerstone of personalized marketing, direct mail faced a decline with the rise of digital channels. However, its importance has resurfaced, largely due to the personal touch it adds in an increasingly digital world.

Key shifts in this evolution include:

  • From Mass Mailings to Personalized Communications: Transitioning from a one-size-fits-all approach to targeted, personalized messages.
  • Incorporation of Digital Data: Leveraging digital insights to enhance the relevance and effectiveness of direct mail campaigns.
  • Integration with Digital Marketing Strategies: Combining direct mail with digital tactics for a cohesive, multi-channel marketing approach.

Benefits of Integrating Direct Mail with CRM

The integration of direct mail with CRM systems brings numerous benefits that can significantly enhance customer communication strategies.

Read more: Salesforce Direct Mail Integration: A How-To Guide

Personalization and Relevance

Integrating CRM data with direct mail campaigns allows businesses to personalize communications based on customer preferences and behaviors. This level of personalization can lead to increased customer engagement and loyalty.

Efficiency and Time Management

Automation features within CRM systems facilitate efficient campaign management. In the words of Carly Brown, Customer Support Manager at direct mail company, Click2Mail, “you can set up the entire automation in a matter of minutes.” This efficiency saves valuable time and resources for businesses.


By using CRM data to target the right audience, businesses can reduce wastage in their marketing budget. Targeted campaigns ensure that resources are utilized where they are most likely to yield results, leading to a better return on investment (ROI).

Leveraging A/B Testing in Direct Mail

A/B testing is a crucial component in optimizing direct mail campaigns. The integration of direct mail with CRM makes this process more manageable and insightful.

  • Simplified Testing Process: As mentioned by Brown, setting up A/B testing with direct mail becomes more straightforward with CRM integration. Businesses can easily test different variables such as offers, designs, and messaging.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: The results from A/B testing provide valuable insights that inform future strategies. Understanding what resonates with the audience allows for more effective communication.
  • Impact of Wording and Offers: The wording in direct mail can significantly influence customer response. Testing different phrases or offers can reveal which are more effective. “It’s amazing how much difference the wording on a coupon matters,” Brown adds.

The ability to rapidly test and adapt is one of the key advantages of integrating direct mail with CRM, enabling businesses to continuously refine their communication strategies for maximum impact.

The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Direct Mail and CRM Integration

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) with CRM systems has opened new frontiers in the realm of direct mail marketing. As technology evolves, so does the capability of businesses to harness data for more impactful customer communications.

  • Predictive Analytics: AI and ML algorithms analyze customer data to predict purchasing behaviors and preferences, allowing businesses to send timely and relevant direct mail.
  • Optimizing Delivery Times: AI can determine the optimal times to send mail, increasing the likelihood of customer engagement.
  • Personalization at Scale: ML enables the personalization of direct mail content at a scale previously unachievable, tailoring messages to individual customer profiles.

Lee Garvey, founder and CEO of Click2Mail, says he sees a lot of potential in using AI in conjunction with a CRM to automate the sending of direct mail at specific times for specific events.

Here’s How to Start Modernizing Your Mailroom Today

In today’s fast-paced business environment, staying ahead in customer communication is crucial. Integrating your direct mail with CRM systems is a pivotal step towards this goal. If you’re looking to streamline your marketing efforts, improve customer satisfaction, and enhance the efficiency of your mail campaigns, the solution is closer than you think.

Click2Mail’s CRM Hub offers a revolutionary approach to managing your business mail. This powerful tool allows for seamless integration with your CRM software, enabling you to:

  1. Bridge Connections: Easily connect your CRM with Click2Mail for a cohesive workflow.
  2. Effortless Integration: Provide the what, when, and where of your mail campaigns and let Click2Mail handle the rest.
  3. Enjoy Increased Productivity: With automation, your team can focus on more strategic tasks, knowing your mail campaigns are running smoothly.

What sets Click2Mail’s CRM Hub apart is its compatibility with leading CRM platforms like Citrix Podio, Follow-Up Boss, and Salesforce, ensuring a seamless transition between your digital and physical communication efforts. With no monthly fees and payment only for what is mailed, it offers a cost-effective solution for your direct mail needs.

To begin transforming your direct mail strategy with Click2Mail’s CRM Hub, sign up today or watch our video guide to see how easy it is to modernize your mailroom. Embrace the future of direct mail with Click2Mail – where efficiency, personalization, and customer satisfaction converge.

2024-03-28T17:13:35-04:0001/18/2024|CRM Hub|

The Most Effective Types of Direct Mail Campaigns: What Gets the Best Conversion Rates

When it comes to direct mail campaigns, the question for many businesses, including those already leveraging Salesforce, is not about the relevance of direct mail – but rather, which types of direct mail yield the most effective results.

Here, we’ll talk about the different types of mail that drive the highest conversion rates. By the end of this exploration, businesses should have a clearer understanding of how to maximize the impact of their direct mail endeavors.

The Power of Postcards and Note Cards

Postcards have long been a staple in the arsenal of direct mail strategies. Their high response rates can be attributed to the immediate visibility they offer. Carly Brown, Customer Support Manager at direct mail company, Click2Mail, says she sees a high conversion rate for postcards “because there’s no envelope blocking the recipient from reading the information.”

The lack of a barrier between the message and the recipient makes postcards an immediate communicator of your brand’s message.

In addition to postcards, note card products, including greeting card formats and enclosed postcards, also show promising engagement rates. Brown elaborates:

  • Greeting Card Formats: These add a personal touch to the communication, making them effective for building relationships with customers.
  • Enclosed Postcards: These offer the surprise element and visual appeal, enhancing the recipient’s experience.
  • Fancy Envelopes: The use of scripted addresses on the outside of the envelope adds an attractive and professional touch.

Secure Mailers and Letters – A Closer Look

While postcards and note cards cater to quick visibility and aesthetic appeal, other formats like secure mailers and letters still hold significant value. A secure mailer refers to a type of direct mail format designed for sending confidential or sensitive information. These mailers typically have enhanced security features to protect the contents from unauthorized access or tampering during transit.

Brown cited the case of one large utility company that tried secure mailers, appropriate for one-page communications, and found them to be more effective than even letter envelopes. This preference underscores the importance of matching the mail format to the content’s nature and intended impact.

The traditional letter, enclosed in an envelope, remains a potent tool in direct mail campaigns. “Letters are still one of the highest ROI mail pieces,” Brown says. The formality and perceived importance of a letter can compel recipients to pay more attention, making it ideal for official or significant communications.

The Lifecycle of a Customer and Direct Mail Strategy

The effectiveness of a direct mail piece is intrinsically linked to the customer’s journey with the brand. Lee Garvey, founder and CEO of Click2Mail, stresses the importance of understanding this lifecycle:

  • Prospecting Phase: Different mail formats can be used to introduce the brand and capture attention.
  • Customer Engagement: Once the customer shows interest, more personalized formats can be used to deepen the relationship.
  • Customer Retention and Retrieval: Tailored mail pieces can be deployed to retain existing customers or win back lost ones.

Garvey explains that the general rule in direct marketing has been to touch customers at least three times before expecting action. This might involve sending a sequence of different formats – starting with a postcard, followed by a self-mailer, and culminating in a rich, content-heavy piece.

The timing of these touches is crucial and should be carefully planned to align with the customer’s engagement level.

The Importance of the Offer and the Mailing List

Beyond the format of the mail piece, the offer included and the targeted mailing list are crucial components of a successful direct mail campaign. Brown and Garvey say that the combination of the offer and the mailing list constitutes 80% of the campaign’s efficacy:

  • The Offer: This should be compelling and relevant to the recipient. For example, offering a free item can often be more effective than a discount.
  • The Mailing List: Targeting the right audience is essential. Sending a well-crafted mail piece to an uninterested audience is unlikely to yield results.

Brown says they worked with one customer, a florist, who changed their offer from a discount on an arrangement to a free vase. The free item received a dramatically better response rate.

Modernize Your Mailroom with a CRM Hub

The insights shared by Brown and Garvey underscore the importance of not only the type of direct mail used but also the strategy behind it. The offer, the mailing list, and the alignment with the customer’s journey are all critical to the success of a direct mail campaign.

But it’s difficult to be organized and implement a direct mail strategy if you haven’t integrated it into your CRM. And that’s where Click2Mail’s CRM hub comes in. This innovative tool offers:

  • Seamless Integration: Connect your CRM with Click2Mail’s CRM Hub for effortless campaign management.
  • Diverse Mail Formats: Choose from postcards, note cards, secure mailers, and more to suit your campaign needs.
  • Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness: Automate your mailing process, saving time and reducing operational costs.

To start transforming your direct mail process and enhancing your marketing efforts, contact us today. Discover how you can effortlessly manage your campaigns and engage your customers more effectively with Click2Mail’s CRM Hub.

2024-03-29T10:49:34-04:0001/18/2024|CRM Hub|

Why Salesforce Direct Mail Campaigns Fail

Direct mail campaigns are a vital component of modern marketing strategies, offering a tangible and personal touch in an increasingly digital world. But for businesses using Salesforce, integrating direct mail campaigns can be fraught with challenges, particularly when attempted manually.

This article will explore why Salesforce direct mail campaigns often fail without proper integration and automation, delving into the specific hurdles businesses encounter and how these can be effectively addressed.

6 Reasons Salesforce Direct Mail Campaigns Fail

Salesforce direct mail campaigns, though integral to modern marketing strategies, often encounter obstacles leading to their failure. Understanding these challenges is crucial for businesses seeking to leverage the full potential of their marketing efforts. Here are the top reasons why Salesforce direct mail campaigns can fall short:

  1. Inadequate Salesforce Integration and Automation: Without proper integration of Salesforce with direct mail platforms, businesses struggle with manual processes that are not only time-consuming but also error-prone. This lack of integration leads to inefficiencies and diminishes the campaign’s effectiveness.
  2. Manual Timing Challenges: Determining the optimal timing for direct mail campaigns manually is a cumbersome task. Without automated systems, businesses fail to capitalize on strategic timing, reducing the impact of their campaigns. Carly Brown, Customer Support Manager at direct mail company, Click2Mail, says this is a particularly big dilemma for businesses: “You’re going to have to manually figure out the timing every single time you want to send a campaign, as opposed to a set it and forget it type of thing.”
  3. Inefficient Campaign Management: Managing direct mail campaigns manually often involves using unwieldy spreadsheets, which increases the likelihood of mistakes and inefficiencies. This approach is far from the streamlined processes offered by integrated CRM systems.
  4. Lack of Personalized Communication: Direct mail campaigns that lack personalization fail to engage customers effectively. Without the aid of automation and CRM data, tailoring direct mail to specific customer segments becomes a daunting and often unachievable task.
  5. Poor Data Synchronization: Without seamless integration, synchronizing customer data between Salesforce and direct mail initiatives is challenging. This lack of synchronization leads to outdated or inaccurate customer information, diminishing the relevance of the mailings.
  6. Challenges with Trickle Campaigns: Implementing trickle or drip marketing campaigns successfully requires precise timing and continuous engagement strategies. Manual approaches to these campaigns often fail due to their inability to consistently engage customers over time.

By addressing these challenges through effective integration and automation, businesses can significantly enhance the success rate of their Salesforce direct mail campaigns.

The Importance of Integration and Automation in Direct Mail Campaigns

Integrating Salesforce with direct mail campaigns is not just about convenience; it’s about leveraging the full potential of both platforms.

Streamlining Processes

Integration allows for a more seamless and efficient process, reducing the time and effort required to execute direct mail campaigns.

Reducing Manual Errors

Automation minimizes the likelihood of human error in data entry and campaign timing, ensuring more accurate and effective communication.

Enhancing Campaign Effectiveness

Lee Garvey, founder and CEO of Click2Mail, says there’s a big advantage to integration automation when it comes to the effectiveness of the campaign: “The platforms work together – instead of having to export stuff, and then having to reimport it somewhere else, integration automation does for you automatically.”

This synergy between platforms enhances the overall effectiveness of direct mail campaigns.

Effective Timing and Personalization in Direct Mail

The success of a direct mail campaign largely depends on its timing and the degree of personalization.

  • Strategic Timing: Automated systems integrated with Salesforce can determine the optimal time to reach out to customers, enhancing the impact of the campaign.
  • Targeted Personalization: Using Salesforce data, businesses can tailor their direct mail to meet the specific needs and preferences of different customer segments.
  • Trickle Campaigns: Trickle campaigns or drip marketing involve slowly and steadily sending a series of mail pieces to build interest and keep the brand top of mind. Brown says trickle campaigns are all about “touching people at the right time.”

Overcoming the Challenges with CRM Hub Integration

Integrating a CRM hub into Salesforce direct mail campaigns can significantly streamline and enhance the efficiency of these marketing efforts. By resolving the challenges of manual management, businesses can reap the benefits of a more sophisticated, automated approach.

  • Seamless Data Synchronization: Integration ensures that customer data in Salesforce is automatically synchronized with direct mail campaigns, ensuring accuracy and relevancy.
  • Automated Campaign Execution: With a CRM hub, businesses can automate the process of sending out direct mail, saving time and reducing manual labor.
  • Enhanced Personalization and Timing: CRM integration allows for more targeted personalization and better timing of mailings, increasing the effectiveness of direct mail campaigns.

Practical Steps for Integration

To successfully integrate a CRM hub with Salesforce for direct mail campaigns, businesses should consider the following steps:

  • Assess Your Current Setup: Evaluate how your current direct mail campaigns are managed within Salesforce.
  • Identify Integration Needs: Determine what you need from a CRM integration in terms of data synchronization, automation, and campaign management.
  • Choose the Right CRM Hub: Select a CRM hub that offers seamless integration with Salesforce and meets your direct mail campaign needs.

How to Start Managing Your Direct Mail Campaigns Better with a CRM Hub

The challenges of running Salesforce direct mail campaigns without proper integration and automation are significant. Manual management leads to inefficiencies and reduced effectiveness, hindering the potential success of these campaigns. Integrating a CRM hub offers a solution to these challenges, streamlining processes, enhancing personalization, and improving overall campaign effectiveness.

Modernizing your direct mail process within Salesforce is essential for maintaining efficient, effective, and engaging marketing campaigns. Click2Mail’s CRM Hub offers a solution that seamlessly integrates with Salesforce, transforming the way you manage your direct mail campaigns.

With Click2Mail’s CRM Hub, you can:

  1. Easily Integrate Your Systems: Connect your Salesforce account with Click2Mail’s CRM Hub for streamlined data synchronization and campaign management.
  2. Automate Your Direct Mail Campaigns: Automate the entire process of your direct mail campaigns, from data synchronization to mailing, saving time and resources.
  3. Enhance Personalization and Engagement: Utilize Salesforce data to personalize your direct mail campaigns, ensuring they reach your customers at the most opportune moments.

Embrace the future of direct mail with Click2Mail’s CRM Hub. Contact us today and discover how this innovative tool can elevate your Salesforce direct mail campaigns to new heights of efficiency and effectiveness. With Click2Mail, modernizing your mailroom has never been easier or more effective.

2024-03-29T11:28:37-04:0001/18/2024|CRM Hub|

What Direct Mail Data Should Your Business Track in Your CRM?

In the current business landscape, the integration of direct mail campaigns with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems is not just a convenience; it’s a strategic necessity. By tracking direct mail data properly, a business can increase the effectiveness and lower the cost of their campaigns.

This article delves into what direct mail data your business should track in your CRM, aiming to enhance the efficiency, personalization, and effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

The Basics of Direct Mail and CRM Integration

CRM systems have evolved from being mere repositories of customer data to sophisticated tools that manage and leverage customer information for strategic marketing. The integration of direct mail with CRM systems represents a leap in how businesses can engage with their customers more personally and effectively.

Here’s what the integration offers:

  • Seamless Data Management: Integrating CRM with direct mail ensures real-time management and updating of customer data.
  • Targeted Marketing Campaigns: By leveraging CRM data, businesses can tailor their direct mail campaigns to meet the specific needs of different customer segments.
  • Measurable Outcomes: With CRM integration, tracking the effectiveness of direct mail campaigns becomes more straightforward, allowing for more data-driven decision-making.

As Lee Garvey, founder and CEO of direct mail company, Click2Mail, notes, “CRM allows you to put the records into buckets, and then act on a bucket as opposed to an individual.” This categorization is essential for businesses to target their campaigns effectively.

Read more: Salesforce Direct Mail Integration: A How-To Guide

What Direct Mail Data to Track in Your CRM

When it comes to harnessing the power of direct mail through CRM integration, knowing what data to track and manage is crucial.

Customer Categorization

As highlighted by Garvey, categorizing customers into groups like prospects, existing customers, best customers, and lapsed customers is critical. This categorization allows businesses to tailor their messages and offers, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of direct mail campaigns.

Basic Demographics

Tracking basic demographic data such as age, gender, location, and occupation within your CRM can significantly influence the relevance and impact of your direct mail campaigns. Carly Brown, Click2Mail’s Customer Support Manager, emphasizes the importance of keeping this data within the CRM for more targeted outreach.

Behavioral Data

Understanding customer behaviors, including purchase history and responses to previous campaigns, is essential. This data helps in predicting future behaviors and preferences, enabling more personalized and effective direct mail strategies.

Enhancing Personalization and Efficiency Through Data Automation

Personalization in direct mail is not just about addressing the customer by name. It’s about crafting messages that resonate with the individual’s specific needs and preferences. CRM data plays a pivotal role in enabling this level of personalization.

Efficiency in direct mail campaigns is another crucial aspect. CRM systems automate many aspects of direct mail, from data collection to tracking responses. Automation not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of errors, ensuring that direct mail campaigns are both efficient and effective.

Furthermore, the integration of CRM with direct mail allows for a more strategic approach to timing and content of mail, ensuring that messages reach customers at the most opportune moments. This integration results in not just higher engagement rates but also in a more efficient use of resources.

Overcoming Challenges in Direct Mail Data Management

Managing direct mail data within a CRM system presents unique challenges, particularly in ensuring data accuracy and timeliness – and that’s why it’s important to transition from manual toa automatic data processes. As Brown notes, “I guess people could [track manually], but why would they want to at this stage?” The efficiency of automated systems far outstrips manual methods, yet several hurdles remain.

Challenges include:

  • Volume of Data: The sheer quantity of data requiring regular updates can be overwhelming.
  • Data Integration: Merging new data with existing databases without creating duplicates or inconsistencies.
  • Dynamic Customer Information: Keeping up with changing customer details, such as addresses or preferences.

A proactive approach is essential to tackle these challenges. Regular audits, for instance, can help identify and correct inaccuracies. You can use software to automate the verification process, which also plays a significant role in maintaining the integrity of data.

The Future of Direct Mail and CRM Integration

There are three key areas where CRM integration and direct mail can be expected to grow in the coming years.

1. AI and Machine Learning

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) is transforming the way customer data is verified and analyzed. These technologies enable the analysis of vast datasets, identifying patterns that predict changes in customer information. This predictive approach ensures access to the most current and accurate data.

2. Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is redefining data security and transparency in customer data management. Its decentralized and immutable ledger ensures secure recording and easy verification of customer data, fostering trust through transparent record-keeping.

3. Real-Time Verification

The shift towards real-time data verification systems is a significant advancement. These systems validate customer information instantly, eliminating delays between data capture and verification and ensuring data accuracy at every point.

Here’s How to Start Modernizing Your Mailroom Today

In an era where direct mail remains a vital component of marketing strategies, the integration of CRM systems with direct mail campaigns is more than a convenience—it’s a competitive necessity.

Now, it’s time to take action. To modernize your mailroom and streamline your direct mail campaigns, consider the following steps:

  1. Audit Your Current CRM Data: Begin by assessing the quality and accuracy of the data currently in your CRM.
  2. Identify Key Data Points: Determine which data points are most relevant to your direct mail campaigns, such as customer demographics, purchase history, and engagement patterns.
  3. Implement Automation Tools: Explore CRM tools that offer automation and integration capabilities to streamline your direct mail process.
  4. Regularly Update and Cleanse Data: Ensure your CRM data is regularly updated and cleansed to maintain its accuracy and relevance.

Click2Mail’s CRM Hub offers an elegant and powerful solution to do all of these things. This hub lets you manage and track your mail campaigns, providing seamless integration with your CRM software for streamlined automation and effective monitoring. With Click2Mail’s CRM Hub, you can:

  1. Bridge Connections with Ease: Connect your CRM to Click2Mail accounts easily within the CRM Hub. This integration lays the foundation for an automated, efficient mail workflow.
  2. Simplify Integration: Add the necessary integrations by providing the what, when, and where of your mail campaigns. Click2Mail handles the rest, automating and simplifying your process.
  3. Enjoy Enhanced Productivity: By automating your mail workflow, Click2Mail ensures your employees can focus on more strategic tasks, enhancing overall efficiency.

The process is straightforward, user-friendly, and designed to optimize your marketing efforts and improve customer satisfaction. With Click2Mail’s CRM Hub, you pay only for the mail you send, with no monthly fees, making it a cost-effective solution for your business.

Furthermore, Click2Mail’s CRM Hub supports integration with leading CRM platforms like Citrix Podio, Follow-Up Boss, and Salesforce. This compatibility ensures a smooth transition between your digital communications and physical mail, enhancing the synergy of your marketing strategies.

To begin transforming your business mail strategy and to learn more about how Click2Mail’s CRM Hub can benefit your organization, sign up today, or contact us to learn more.

2024-03-29T11:30:01-04:0001/18/2024|CRM Hub|

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