In the online age, it is surprising that bulk business mail advertising is still the most effective way to reach people. Advertising is about connecting your brand’s story to your customers, old and new, and connecting your customers to your business.

Using mass mailing, small businesses can increase their brand visibility, generate leads, and boost sales. 

What is Bulk Business Mail?

Traditionally, bulk business mail is a type of mail sent in large quantities for commercial purposes. It includes letters, newsletters, brochures, and other similar materials. Postage rates for bulk business mail, aka Marketing Mail, are discounted compared to regular First-Class mail, and there are many different ways to send it. Keep reading to learn how you can mail less-than-large quantities at discounted rates with Click2Mail.

Bulk mailing requires that the physical characteristics of mail pieces, such as the size and weight of the mail pieces and the type of postage used, be identical. You are allowed to personalize the content of the mailings to each customer.

The USPS gives bulk discounted rates because you do some of their work for them, like pre-sorting the mail into appropriate ZIP Codes.

Benefits of Bulk Mailing

It’s easy to see bulk mailing as just bulk and boring. As a business owner, you want to connect with your customers, right? We thought so. When bulk mailing is done right, you will, and meaningfully connecting with customers is the opposite of boring.

Demographics Targeting

Effective marketing is targeted marketing. By splitting a market into groups based on demographic traits, including age, gender, income, education, and geography, demographics targeting is the smart way to get your message to the people who will benefit most from it.

For example, marketing lawn care products or services to high-rise apartment residents probably won’t be effective.


Use targeted bulk mailing to narrow in on specific demographics, people’s interests, seasons of the year, holidays, and special events. Got any Christmas in July sales coming up?

Take it further by mixing up your mailings and using different formats for different messages. 

Easy Testing

Bulk mailing can be a great way to test different marketing tactics and see what works best for your business. Here are a few ways to use bulk mailing for testing:

  • Different offers: Offer discounts, free trials, or giveaways to learn which generates the most interest.
  • Different messaging: Switch up headlines, body copy, and calls to action to see which are most effective in getting people to take action.
  • Different designs: Change up the layout of your mailings, the colors you use, and the fonts you choose, to see which ones appeal to your target audience.
  • Different targeting: Try different demographics, interests, and behavior to see which ones reach the right people with your message.

Positive ROI

According to Sequel Response, direct mail has an average ROI of 43%  – far more than email and social media combined.

It’s not hard to understand why. Direct mail marketing still seems more personal and engaging. We like the idea of holding something in our hands, even if it’s addressed to John Q. Public or “Resident”.

Minimum Volume Requirements for Bulk Mailing Services

Before you mail in bulk, it’s important to meet the minimums for the type of post you want to send:

  • Parcel Post – bulk discounts require 50 pieces
  • Marketing Mail – requires at least 200 units
  • Presorted Bound Printed Matter – bulk discounts require 300+ units
  • Presorted First-Class, Library, and Media Mail – require at least 500 units

Keep reading to learn how Click2Mail takes the worry out of worrying about quantity minimums.

Types of Mail and How to Choose One for Mass Mailing


Want to create an easy-to-read, visually appealing mailing? Use postcards.

Postcards have limited room to communicate your message. Condense the information down to a brief and clear, ‘need-to-know’ basis for your customer.

Well-designed postcards are eye-catching. Use images and colors as story elements.


Letters provide extra space to communicate your message. Use the added room to make the message personal. Keep them concise, and make sure the content is worth the extra space given. Wordy letters are likely to be classified as ‘TL;DR’, and that’s not good.

First Class Mail

First Class Mail is delivered in 2 – 4 days. 

Use First Class Mail for:

  • Material that is typed or handwritten
  • Bills, invoices, and financial notifications for both personal and business use
  • Personalized business correspondence
  • Time-sensitive marketing messages

Marketing Mail

As the name suggests, marketing mail is geared toward marketing and is sent to a general audience. Many people know Marketing Mail by one of its old names – Standard Mail or Third Class Mail.

Marketing mail includes:

  • Advertisements
  • Newsletters
  • Merchandise
  • Small parcels

Marketing Mail has no delivery time guarantee, no postage-free return of undeliverable mail, or mail forwarding. So, proceed with caution when utilizing it for your business. Marketing mail cannot be used to send medical records, invoices, or personalized business correspondence.


Got something you want to get out to a lot of people but don’t have a huge mailing list yet? Want to reach new people that aren’t yet on your mailing list? No problem. EDDM lets you do just that.

Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) lets you mail to every house on a carrier route without a list because the USPS has routes, typically representing a list of 600-100 homes, lots of them nationwide. You can target any neighborhood or ZIP Code, and the USPS will deliver your mail pieces to every door at a very low cost. 

With Click2Mail, we will print out exactly the number of pieces you need and send them out via USPS for you.

Bulk Mail Weight and Size Restrictions

First-Class and Standard Mail letters and flats must weigh less than 13 ounces.

The USPS also has size restrictions for bulk mail. 

  • First-Class Mail letters and flats cannot be more than 6.125 inches x 11.5 inches x 0.25 inches.
  • First-Class Package Service parcels cannot be more than 130 inches in length plus girth. 
  • Standard Mail pieces cannot be larger than 11 x 14 x 3 inches.

How to Get Bulk Mail Discounts?

If you’re doing it yourself, getting bulk mail discounts takes some work upfront. It starts with a mailing permit and ends with you delivering pre-sorted mail to the BMEU (Business Mail Entry Unit) at a post office. In between those steps, there’s CASS address standardization, NCOA (National Change of Address) checks, a handful of postal forms to fill out, and a few other things, too. Keep reading to learn how Click2Mail makes it easy-peasy.

Precanceled Stamps

Precanceled stamps come in small denominations. Bear in mind that they are only for Presorted First-Class Mail and USPS Marketing Mail mailings. These specialized stamps are placed by mailers onto envelopes at a reduced postage cost, (usually about 15 cents or so).  Any difference in postage costs are paid when tendering the mail to the BMEU at the Post Office.

Postage Meter

Postage Meters are postage printing machines or software platforms which authorized providers lease to consumers. You can use these in your home or office. Keep in mind that meters print postage straight onto your mail pieces or meter tape, which you then attach to your mail.

You will need a permit from the place of mailing to use them and you’ll pay a monthly fee to lease the meter machine .

Permit Imprint

This is the most popular and convenient way to pay for postage. No stamps to lick or meters to take care of. Just set up an account with USPS. When you deliver your mail, the post office checks and deducts the price from your account. No pain and all the gain. 

How to Get the USPS Bulk Mail Permit

You obtain a permit by applying online through the Business Customer Gateway or completing a PS Form 3615, Mailing Permit Application and Customer Profile, available from your local business mail entry unit or Post Office.

You won’t need a USPS bulk mail permit if you’re using Click2Mail – we’ve taken care of that for you.

How to Send Bulk Mail?

There’s the hard way, and there’s the easy way.

DIY Mass Mailing

For the DIY’er, you will need to do these things:

  • Choose how you want to pay for postage.
  • Before you print your email, verify your mailing list is accurate and up-to-date using CASS certified and NCOA (National Change of Address) software.
  • Sort your mail according to USPS requirements..
  • Assemble the mail into bundles and trays.
  • Deliver it to the post office BMEU (business mail entry unit) with the required paperwork.

Click2Mail’s Bulk Printing and Mailing Services

Click2Mail provides quick, easy, and affordable solutions to do the heavy lifting for you. Click2Mail is an affiliate partner of the USPS and has integrated their software with USPS systems and services. We’ve taken care of the heavy lifting – sending bulk mail via Click2Mail eliminates the need for permits, minimum volumes, USPS mail piece design rules, or postage meters. When you use Click2Mail, all you need to benefit from bulk mail postage discounts is a document and a list of people you want to mail it to. 


Bulk business mail advertising techniques have not only stood the test of time but continue to lead the way for effectively reaching customers and generating results. Statistically, when properly planned and prepared they offer a lower CPR (cost per response) and higher ROI (return on investment) than other marketing methods. 

Are you new to bulk mail advertising? Are you already using bulk mail, but doing it all in-house and looking for a better way to create and send your advertising mail campaigns? Contact Click2Mail to see us in action.